

鼹鼠摩尔官方下载   未知 电脑版大小:69.6M   鼹鼠   爆炸   这是
鼹鼠摩尔硬盘版 [完整版69.6M](休闲游戏),【游戏介绍】这是一款使人上瘾的益智游戏,以经典的扫雷为基础,添加了富有想象力的新玩法,玩家将接受挑战并探索到鼹鼠!The people of Molar Creek have lived alongside the regions infamous exploding moles for hundreds of years but the night be 鼹鼠摩尔下载地址



这是一款使人上瘾的益智游戏,以经典的扫雷为基础,添加了富有想象力的新玩法,玩家将接受挑战并探索到鼹鼠!The people of Molar Creek have lived alongside the regions infamous exploding moles for hundreds of years but the night before the villages annual Mole Control competition and a mystery villain has set the exploding moles loose within the town itself. Its now down to you and local inventor Dr Kraft to find the moles and reclaim Molar Creek!Mole Control is an addictive puzzle game that brings the classic logic based game play of minesweeper into the 21st century. Pilot a crazy invention across a mind-bending adventure, or enjoy a frantic time attack challenge, all with the comical aim to rid one town of exploding moles!Uncover numbers with your buggy. Use the numbers to find and dig up exploding molesЕ but be careful not to drive over them! Play through "Adventure" Mode to save the village and unlock more frantic "Time Attack" levels to win the villages annual Mole Control competitionDiscover 5 different "supermole" power-ups across six different zones Random puzzle generation for ultimate replay value in over 35 levels Unlock background story and the mystery behind the runaway moles英文翻译:摩尔溪的人共同生活在该地区的臭名昭著的爆炸摩尔数百年,但在村里的年度鼹鼠控制的竞争,是一个谜恶棍夜间已在城镇本身的爆炸痣松动。它现在到你当地的发明和卡夫博士找到痣和回收摩尔溪!摩尔控制是一种上瘾的益智游戏,使进入21世纪的经典逻辑为基础的扫雷舰玩游戏。试验在一个疯狂的心态发明弯曲冒险,或享受一次疯狂的攻击的挑战,以滑稽的目的都摆脱爆炸痣一个小镇!发现号与您的马车。使用数字中寻找和挖掘爆炸molesЕ但要小心,不要对他们的驾驶!通过“探险”模式播放,以挽救更多的乡村和解锁疯狂“时间攻击”水平,以赢得村民的年度鼹鼠控制比赛发现5种不同的“supermole”权力在6个随机在35个以上的水平,最终重播价值谜代解锁背景故事背后的神秘失控痣不同的区域窗口

鼹鼠摩尔硬盘版官网地址如下,在鼹鼠摩尔官方下载地址点右键,选使用迅雷下载即可免费下载。斯巴达游戏网只支持使用迅雷下载游戏,如未安装迅雷,请先下载 迅雷精简版.exe[永不升级] 安装,然后关闭浏览器,再打开本网页在线下载。

完整版 69.6M
